My Potential Career Paths | FR Molniya
FR Molniya

My Potential Career Paths

Allow me introduce myself. I’m a high school student with big plans for the future. Even though I’m only sixteen years old, I can already picture myself at my workplace, because my career is of great importance to me. I live in a relatively small town, but I do hope that eventually I will find the way to move to a bigger place, preferably to a large city where I will be able to find a decent job in a jiffy.


As I’m keen on IT and music, I have two career paths on my mind, at least at the time being, — I would very much like to become either a software developer or a music producer.

In IT class, we do a whole lot of astonishing things — from learning how to create our own websites to investigating old programming languages and to compiling our own small-scale applications. Our IT professor is an incredibly smart and kind expert who helps her students reach the very height of skillfulness and astuteness in terms of digital literacy.


My parents bought me my first PC when I was a preschooler. I have always been into gaming and made a number of innocuous attempts to engage in various forms of reverse engineering. It was fun, but I don’t like piracy. In fact, I purchase all my applications and operating systems instead of downloading them for free. My conscience just won’t let me become a criminal.


I do believe that my excellent skills in the field of hardware and software maintenance will make my potential employers hire me in no time. Please don’t think that I like to boast, but I’m telling you the truth. I’m a real computer genius.


Music is another obsession of mine.

I have been listening to a wide range of artists ever since I was 4 years old. As a matter of fact, my music experience started when I inadvertently turned on my grandfather’s old reel-to-reel tape recorder. I just pressed an odd-looking yellow button with my index finger on the tape machine, and it began to play various songs by David Bowie, The Stylistics, Lou Reed, and the Beatles right away. I was so inspired that I simply didn’t know how to express my huge excitement with words.


That’s why I consider becoming a music producer in the future. I don’t actually want to be a singer, because my voice isn’t strong enough. I’ve never been particularly good at playing any musical instruments, either, even though I tried to play piano and flute a couple of times. However, I have some experience in creating simple electronic beats and dance tracks in digital audio workstations such as FL Studio and Steinberg Cubase.


Nevertheless, instead of being an artist myself, I’d rather produce someone else’s songs, regardless of their genre. I’m a versatile and multi-faceted person.


Therefore, I like various kinds of music. Hopefully at least two or three bands that I will be working with in the future will come up with a bunch of super hits. It will help me become rich and discover a number of talents for a wide audience.


I’m absolutely sure that we all should treat our potential career paths very seriously, no matter how old we are. If one can picture themselves at their workplace when being young, they have a bigger chance of success in the future.

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