Learning like a child: How autonomy and rewards boost learning | FR Molniya
FR Molniya

Learning like a child: How autonomy and rewards boost learning

Children learn best when they have the freedom to explore and discover at their own pace. This is because autonomy, or the sense of control over one’s own learning, is a powerful motivator.

Rewards can also be used to boost learning performance. However, it is important to use rewards in a way that is motivating and does not lead to cheating or other negative behaviors. One way to do this is to use intrinsic rewards, such as praise or recognition, rather than extrinsic rewards, such as money or prizes.


Here are some tips for creating a more playful and motivating learning environment:


1. Give students choices about what they want to learn and how they want to learn it.
2. Use games and simulations to make learning more engaging and fun.
3. Offer students intrinsic rewards, such as praise or recognition, for their accomplishments.


By following these tips, you can create a learning environment that will help your students learn like children.


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