5 Tips to Deal with Fake Negative Reviews from Customers | FR Molniya
FR Molniya

5 Tips to Deal with Fake Negative Reviews from Customers

Dealing with negative reviews can be a challenge, especially if those reviews are fake. Unfortunately, even fabricated posts about your services and products can garner a significant number of views and be prominently displayed by search engines under the name of your brand.

So how can you mitigate the negative impact of unfairly bad feedback from non — existing customers? Here are some strategies you can employ to handle this type of situation:


1. Monitor online mentions:

Regularly monitor websites and social media platforms for any mentions of your brand. This will help you stay informed about any negative reviews or comments.


2. Maintain customer contacts:

Keep a record of your customers’ contact information so that you can reach out to them directly if you come across a fake negative review. Engage in open and honest conversations to address their concerns and provide assistance. So if it can’t be shown to be a real customer, it would be appropriate to respond like this:


“Wow! While anything is possible, could you be confusing us with another business because a review of our records doesn’t show you purchased from us. Please let us know if you purchased under another name so we can get to the bottom of this. If by some odd chance this applies to us, we really want to solve the issue. Looking forward to the details.”


3. Interact openly online with your non — target audience:

Be proactive in engaging with online users, whether they are existing customers, potential ones or random visitors of your company page on social media. Respond to comments and reviews promptly and transparently, showing that you value their feedback and are committed to resolving any issues.


4. Foster an image of openness:

Create an image of your company as one that is open to dialogue and eager to address customer concerns. This can be achieved through clear communication channels, responsive customer support, and a willingness to take responsibility for any mistakes.


5 Ask your satisfied customers to leave reviews on different online platforms and social networks. Consider sending follow -up emails or providing intensives for customers to leave reviews.


Getting false negative reviews can be painful and unjust. However, it is important to view them from a different perspective. These reviews can serve as genuine motivation to diligently monitor online mentions, track your customers’ contacts, openly engage with unfamiliar internet users and to create an image of a transparent company that is always ready for dialogue.

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